
Why Frequent Flyer Programs Have To Go

Stay Grounded recently published a sharp expose on Frequent Flyer Programs, a topic at the heart of the Flight Free Campaign. We ask people to pledge Flight Free to reduce emissions, change the fossil fuel norm, and support strong climate policy. Frequent Flyer programs do just the opposite- they increase air travel and global warming emissions, they normalize and reward climate destruction, and are an enormous public subsidy to airlines that no one voted for. Policy to ban frequent flyer programs and/or eliminate the regressive credit card banking mechanism that feeds these airline programs are vital to social justice and fossil fuel de-growth.

Envisioning Another Future: Stay Grounded Report "Degrowth of Aviation"

Reading the 2019 report from Stay Grounded: “Degrowth of Aviation” we are reminded that envisioning what kind of future we want is a crucial part in any work towards change we are doing.

"Elite Status - Global Inequalities in Flying" - Report from We Are Possible

“When it comes to climate change, air travel is a uniquely damaging behaviour, resulting in more emissions per hour than any other activity bar starting forest fires. This paper shows that it is also uniquely iniquitous. Everybody eats. But only the privileged few fly.”

How Noise Pollution Affects Heart Health

Exposure to loud noise has long been linked with hearing loss. But the ruckus of planes and cars takes a toll beyond the ears. Traffic noise has been flagged as a major physiological stressor, second to air pollution and on roughly equal footing with exposure to second-hand smoke and radon.

Reflecting on a year with Flight Free USA

For the past year we have been organizing a collective Flight Free action in partnership with 10 Flight Free groups worldwide. By last spring over 25,000 people had pledged (of those, 437 Americans from 30 states) to not fly for 2020 for the sake of the climate - as a way to call on our communities, businesses and government for immediate climate solutions. Then COVID-19 hit.