
Individual Action and System Change - Peer Pressure Might Be the Key

Individual action “vs” system change - it is the latter we need, urgently - and we fully believe in individual choices and actions as a given part in that.

Professor Robert Frank’s studies of “behavioral contagion” support this idea.

Podcast from Flight Free UK: Climate, Social and Racial Justice

A great conversation between horticulturalist Poppy Okotcha, Black Geographers founder Francisca Rockey and Flight Free UK team members Sunita Soundur and Armelle Ferguson on privilege, climate justice, the conflict between wanting to see your family abroad and the actual worry that your homeland will disappear into the ocean and much much more. A must-listen, if ever there was one.

Vox Article: "What’s your “fair share” of carbon emissions?"

“Why do we, and our governments, act as if businesses have some sort of “right to wreck” our life support system? Do the wealthy have a right to continue using resources at rates that science says will cause vast future suffering? In effect, this pits existing rights against each other: pursuit of happiness by unlimited consumption interferes with the right to life of others.”