Flying in an airplane is the most polluting thing we commonly do. Aviation is responsible for 5.9% of human-caused global heating.
We highly recommend the Stay Grounded Get Information page to read about the climate impact of aviation, aviation and climate justice, and the cost of flying, among other things.
This page is full of visually engaging facts and infographics. All facts are properly cited.
Get the Facts on Greenwashing
The only way to cut emissions fast enough to avoid the worst effects of the climate crisis is to ground planes.
The aviation industry’s greenwashing would have you believe otherwise.
Read these fact sheets to learn more:
What About Carbon Offsets?
In short, they don’t work. It’s another scheme to prop up the aviation industry and keep burning fossil fuels. Read the following articles to learn more.
Read this Carbon Offsets explainer from the MIT Climate Portal to learn more about carbon offsets.
The following resources explain the problems with carbon offsets.
Majority of offset projects that have sold the most carbon credits are ‘likely junk’, according to analysis by Corporate Accountability and the Guardian
19 September, 2023
“Emissions Offsetting: A Modern Sale of Indulgences”
Stay Grounded Network
27 July 2020
“Why Carbon Offsetting Is Not Going to Solve the Problem of Climate Change”
Lonely Planet
28 August 2019
Interactive Maps
This real-time website shows just many aircraft are in the air at the same time. Yikes.
This interactive map shows pollution from airports around the world. It features carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft departing the 1,300 largest global airports.
Map of Airport-Related Injustice and Resistance
This map shows examples of airport-related injustice around the world. You can read case studies from airports around the world.