Bhima Sheridan, California

I am pledging to be flight free in 2021 because I believe that burning hydrocarbons in our outer atmosphere is contributing to the destruction of this very delicate film of air that protects us from the sun's more harmful rays. I learned about global warming in college in a survey course on energy and resources, and the emphasis was always on carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In fact, recent scientific studies indicate that for aviation, the non CO2 combustion byproducts are twice as bad as the CO2 emitted from the tailpipe.


I have noticed just in the past few years that the intensity of the sunlight that makes it through our atmosphere has increased and is contributing to dry conditions and is so intense that it is burning leaves on trees and other plants. This issue needs more attention!

In the 80’s when I was growing up there was a very effective campaign around CFC’s causing destruction of our ozone layer. We need to replicate this campaign to communicate to the world that we are destroying our atmosphere without which we cannot survive. We can make a big difference immediately, by not flying because while the CO2 lingers for decades, the non CO2 combustion bi-products dissipate quickly. When we stay grounded we start to heal the atmosphere.